Assignment 5 – MatthewB

This series is showing my friend Matt and Michael at their furniture restoration business called the Rusted Raven Furniture company. They are two guys who love music and art and love to make things that people otherwise would consider trash into high quality furniture. They are both guys who have gone through a lot of struggles in life and they both have turned the page leaving their old ways behind to make art.

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This series is of my friend Josh, I wanted to express the outdoors and connection to the earth as well as to highlight his dance. I think that this would pull the attention of both people interested in portraits as well as landscape as I tried to blend the two together. These photos are fully un-edited, When I edit them I am going to keep the similar color scheme that I went with which was focusing on blacks, whites, greens, and browns. Josh practices dance every day, it’s a profession that Is very hard to make work, but he pushes through his challenges every day.


This series is showing my friend Matt and Michael at their furniture restoration business called the Rusted Raven Furniture company. They are two guys who love music and art and love to make things that people otherwise would consider trash into high quality furniture. They both have gone through a lot of struggles in life and they both have turned the page leaving their old ways behind to make art.

Rusted Raven


One thought on “Assignment 5 – MatthewB

  • Both of these have clear human-interest story potential. The first set of images are particularly compelling visually especially the integration of lush natural setting with a visually striking character.
    In a conventional narrative, the protagonist meets an obstacle or challenge, then a crisis, which changes him/her. You allude to this in both stories but it’s difficult to follow visually. Is there a way you can show this change? What kind of past did each story have? How or why did that change occur? What kinds of images can show the change?


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