Posts by sseitz
Assignment 10 – SarahS
Social Media
Web Portfolio
Assignment 11 – SarahS
**All images were taken on my Google Pixel 2. I meant to use a camera, but I didn’t expect Disc Golfing to be an oppurtunity for prime picture taking!
Assignment 8 – SarahS
My process for creating my HDR photo was: Take 3 different exposures, merge together with Photoshop, roughly edit in Photoshop, export and re-import into Lightroom, edit in Lightroom using masks and split toning.
If you look at the other HDR photos I’ve included in this post, they all have a similar tone. I liked playing around with images that have slight movement, which was easy to capture with fidgety kittens as my subject.
Assignment 6 – SarahS
Story Proposal: Abandonment.
Canon Rebel T3i
My Roommate is recently going through some major life changes which are requiring him to be out of town for an extended period of time. This is a story of a man who is going through radical change, the un-willful abandonment of one life for another.
I edited these photos in Lightroom to be grainy and faded (a bit gray) on purpose. I think it reflects the mood of uncertainty and dismay.
Assignment 4 – SarahS
This was just me trying to play around with the shutter speed on my camera. I used a Canon T3i Rebel, I think my slowest shutter speed was around 1/8 and my fastest was 1/60. I tried to find a lighter to use as a prop as well, but somehow all the ones in my apartment have disappeared!
Assignment 7 – SarahS
These were pictures taken from my Spring Break trip to Savannah. I had to take them on my Google Pixel 2 because I didn’t have time to check out a camera from the IMRC.
Assignment 2 – SarahS
I had every intention of photographing strangers faces, but something happened that got me thinking.
My boyfriend had a study group over, so I asked if I could photograph them and 3 out of 4 said no. I wanted the photos, so to make them more comfortable while still getting my pictures I instead asked if they minded if I took pictures of their shoes instead.
I think that shoes can tell a lot about a person.
Are they clean? Have they traveled far? Do they look for comfort or style? Are they new or old?
A shoe tells not where you’re going, but where you’ve been.
I know this was a bit of an abstract approach to the assignment, but I thought it was interesting.
Assignment 1_SarahS
Hi! I’m Sarah and I can competently write a post!