Posts by Tanner Matteson
Assignment 9_TannerM
Assignment 8_TannerM
Assignment 6_TannerM
Here’s the short of it, during spring break of 2018 I will be going out to California to see my brother, Evan, who I haven’t seen since winter break 2017. However, going out there will give me the opportunity to see his apartment for the first time and getting to see/know the area that he’s in. While on the trip though I will take multiple photos, tons of photos so that I can document my trip and then be able to retell it through some text, but mostly pictures. To give some beginning to this project here are two images of the airports that I will be flying into and out of. From Boston to California.
Assignment 5_TannerM
Assignment 2_TannerM
Assignment 10_TannerM
Social Media