Assignment 12 – CullenS


My dog has escaped a few times from my house. Me being the overly curious person I am, has always wondered what he did when he escaped. So, for a day, I let him off his leash as much as, safely, possible, and see where we would end up. To my surprise, we ended up all the way from my house, to downtown Bangor. This gave me a lot of interesting perspective on what my dog thinks, and certainly made me get more creative with my photography skills due to his constant movement. For being such a little dog, it always surprises me how big his personality is.


Revision: Fixed header and text/adobe spark text.

Assignment 11 – CullenS

The following pictures were taken at the Biodome in Montreal!

Wonder – ISO 2200, 18mm, f / 3.5, 1/30 Sec

REVISION NOTE: I noticed my last upload didn’t showcase all of the seven pictures I chose! So here is a new post with all of them featured.

Assignment 6_CullenS Revision

Story Proposals:

  • Haircutting.
    • Just showing the process of going through a regular haircut with some of my friends. It’s a mixture of laughing, critique and just repetitive work. I think that the main audience would just be people who are interested in both witnessing processes and haircutting. When you get a haircut it’s a long process, where don’t really get to see the entire progression all at once. I think photo’s would be a good way to shorten a haircut and make it look interesting.
  • Visiting the Aquarium
    • The subject would just display all the different exhibits at the aquarium. From beginning to the end, including the progress of walking through the building. Although the story isn’t something outwardly deep or grabbing. I think just showing the wonderment and variety in a aquarium is something really special.
  • Trip in Canada
    • I think this would be a really cool project to make. I’m taking a trip to Montreal, and then Toronto over spring break. It’s the first, long road trip that my girlfriend and I will ever take together and I can see a lot of different interactions resulting from that. I think the audience would be people interested in traveling, my personal life, and in adventure in general.  I think people would be particularly interested in this for a few reasons. It shows an adventure, progress and personal connection. The traveling alone is an adventure, but also seeing the adventure between the interactions of two people would be really fascinating.

      EDIT – Added pictures roughly showing what a fully fleshed out piece would  resemble.

Assignment 5_Cullen S

This image was taken at the Bangor Rock and Art shop, I used Lightroom to really make the colors pop and make the photo feel warm.

This was a shot of downtown Bangor, I wanted to take the photo and make it look a little older and more detailed.

This was another shot in downtown Bangor, I used Lightroom to make the photo feel a bit brighter.

The photo was dull before, so I used some editing to make the colors come out a bit more.

This was a favorite image of mine from downtown, I used editing to make the light seem a bit more interesting. Unfortunately, it seems like Lightroom affected the quality of some of the pictures.

This was a photo I made using a tripod while I cut my friends hair. I decided to use Lightroom to try and make the photo make a little bit more interesting.

My jacket hung up on a wall, I used Lightroom to try and show the differences of blues in my jacket and the wall.

This is one of my favorite photos I took from a day trip to Bar Harbor. I just think all the colors blend very interestingly.

This was the first edit I did. My sister asked for her picture to be taken on a sunny day and I always have liked how it came out.

The last photo is another from my day trip to Bar Harbor. I used editing to really make the blue of the sky and ocean pop.


The following pictures are the strangers’ name, followed by a single word describing how they claimed to feel at that time. Each picture was quickly taken once, as to avoid being an inconvenience. Walking up to a stranger to ask for a picture was a very strange experience for me, but I think explaining my project made the situation a little easier. I think working the interaction into just casual conversation made it easier for me, and that’s how I determined each title, by asking how they felt that day.

Assignment 1_CullenS

Five Favorites:

Outside in Bangor:

Central Gallery in Bangor:

Rock and Art Shop:

Alley Way in Bangor:

Bangor Parking Lot: