
A collection of images curated for this assignment. Locations vary across Maine from Downtown Orono to York Beach.


This is the narrative of a sleeping household.

Over spring break, I was fortunate enough to spend some time with some close family friends at their log cabin in Eastern Maine. One night, while I was up late with not much to do, I noticed that the log cabin had a very special quality having to do with peace and tranquility. It reminded me a lot of the saying “not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” Surely, not even a mouse would dare to stir simply because of the cats, Violet (not pictured) and Zoe, lounging about in the heat of the burning wood stove.

I sincerely hope that this narrative appeals to most people who experience it. I think that, just by taking time to look at the images, and the details within them, each individual will be able to feel sleepiness and peace that comes along with low, warm lighting, the fire, and relaxing kitties.


I really enjoy how each set is themed according to color. the diversity of the shots is also really enjoyable. You capture earthy tones very well and the texture compliments the color schemes.

I very much enjoy the colors in these photos. The photos that aren’t black and white have very muted colors which really go well with the overall mood brought on by the apparent cloudy day.

I LOVE these photos, particularly the one featuring your most cooperative subject really conveys mood very nicely. In particular, I can really feel the power and attitude she brings to life. Truly captivating.

You capture happiness very well. I really enjoy the fact that most of your subjects are smiling, which really shows how a smile can really warm up a photograph for the most part regardless of other colors in the photo.