Assignment 1_KendraC

2 thoughts on “Assignment 1_KendraC

  • Kendra, I really like your use of light and shadow, especially in the cemetery photos. It adds to crisp images that bring to mind an element of time. This is evoked by the second photo of the moon and clouds as well. Nighttime photography can be difficult, but this one was really well done and the composition is balanced with just enough detail.

  • Content–light reflecting off water, snow, tombstones, through branches, and in sky; very fine investigation of light and its reflections

    Composition–varied, usually framed around light source; my fav is 4th, with light reflecting of purplish water–the angle is low, unexpected seems to come from non-human stance, so more mysterious

    Technique–frame the light!!! varying exposure to get good day/night photos, light & shadow and a feeling of pathways through landscapes are inviting and mysterious

    Aesthetics–subtle tones and shades, winter colors and textures, beginning to establish a “mood”

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