4 thoughts on “Assignment1_SydneyH

  • Sydney, Your photo of the stair case plays tricks on my eyes and I love that. It feels endless. Your framing on the picture is perfect, it feels like I’m actually looking down a large winding stair case. The lighting of the photo gives it an almost spooky feeling. This photo really brings out alot of emotion when I’m looking at it. I can feel the panic that I would feel looking down the staircase as if I was actually there. Love this photo so much! Good work!

  • I like how simplistic the photo of your car seats is, while at the same time being very complex and interesting to look at. At first, you just see the seats but then the light and shadows begin to grab your attention. It begins to feel very abstract after a while. I also enjoy your photo of the evergreen. The contrast of the green pines and the red/orange branch really makes the branch stick out and be the center of the photo. I would probably crop it so that the branch ends at the bottom of the photo so there is not so much green in the photo. All around really cool photos.

  • I enjoy your creative perspectives, playing with shadow and light exposure in unconventional places for photography. The staircase image sticks out for its great patterns and depth. But I also love the dim and eerie picture of the hallway that gives the impression you are being pulled down into the image itself.

  • Content–lovey evergreen–so lush; and spooky corridors, and eerie stricaase,voyers looking t parking lot, and a striking sunset; lots of variety

    Composition–some play with framing, and point of view, shadow & might

    Technique–looking for interesting patterns and details; revealing patterns and interesting forms in everyday things

    Aesthetics–seems like you are trying to capture mood with your photos other than just objects; so framing , lighting and focus are all key to estblisig the mood.

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