Assignment 4_SydneyH

I struggled a bit with this assignment. Nothing was coming out as I wished. Three of the photos here I believe fulfill the assignment and the other two I just liked.

Revision (5/1/18)

I wanted to add these pictures to demonstrate how shutter speed can capture moving objects. The first frame is, unfortunately, the communal sink on my floor in Aroostook Hall. It is very gross, but the high shutter speed was able to capture every drop. The second photo of my friend Jacob; I needed a moving subject and he happened to be working on his handstands. The first picture of him demonstrates how shutter speed can capture an action shot. The second photo was of another attempt with a slower shutter speed. I liked it because the camera reveals the impact of gravity on a falling body. The final photo is another shot of water. The camera was able to capture every bead and makes them look like jewels.

One thought on “Assignment 4_SydneyH

  • Sydeny I am so captivated by your stormy skies photo. It drew me in instantly. The water looks like thousands of diamonds sparkling in the sun but yet thes skies look dark and gloomy. It is an amazing picture. It leaves me wondering, almost like it’s playing tricks on my eyes. Awesome work!

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