
This is a view in Shenandoah last summer — I wanted to capture the vibrancy of the sunset more accurately as it is seen by the eye.

A caterpillar in the Kinsbrae Garden in St. Andrews, NB. Again, I enhanced the colors and contrast to make the image more visually striking as it would appear when you first notice it.

Acadia in early October. Again, some editing makes the colors more natural where the camera settings washed them out in the original photo.

Acadia. This photo was pretty dark, so I played with the whites/blacks and exposure. However, the difference appeared more pronounced in Lightroom than in the uploaded version.

Acadia. I took more liberties with lighting and color to give the image a more mysterious mood.

Cyrus Pavilion behind Fogler. The fall photos I take are never as vibrant as I would like, and this time I played with individual hues to adjust the color balance.

Sunrise over York Hall. Sunrise and sunset photos almost never come out with the proper color balance, so this was an attempt to remedy that.

Leaf trapped in the ice from Assignment 1. I wanted to make this as crisp and striking as possible, which included increasing the vibrancy of the orange to make it stand out.

Flowing water from Assignment 4. The aperture setting did not let enough light in, so I increased the exposure considerably when editing to bring out more of the details. The image is still not as high quality as I would like because the lighting was not sufficient originally.

Leaves between Androscoggin and the rec center from class time on Feb. 15. Increasing contrast and other elements improved the photo somewhat, but even the post-production version still appears out of focus.

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