
The front door of our new house has a glass pattern that scatters small rainbows on our cabinets nearby, and I took this photo on my phone on my way out to classes.  ISO 32 — 4.15 mm –f/2.2 — 1/120 sec

These two photos were taken at my new apartment. I was taking a bunch of photos as my roommates and I were moving things in and out of the house. These were my two favorites of the set. I like how the first one has multiple things like doors and stairs in it because I feel like it could symbolize all the different new beginnings leading to new things when moving into a new house, especially after losing a lot. ISO 500 — 18 mm — f/3.5 — 1/40 sec

I like this photo because I feel like it is simplistic. All our new house has in it is a few pieces of furniture that were donated to us, so its very bare, and this photo kind of captured it.  ISO 800 — 18 mm — f/3.5 — 1/30 sec

This photo was taken when I was visiting my boyfriend. His dad’s house has really tall, thin trees surrounding it, and one morning I saw the sun shining through them and wanted to try to capture the happiness and warm fuzziness of the morning (as warm as a winter morning could be) The optimized version of this photo makes it really pixelated, but I liked how the trees draw your eyes up into the sky. ISO 100 — 18 mm — f/8.0 –1/200 sec

This photo was taken by accident because I forgot that I had turned autofocus off. But I enjoy the way it reflects the fuzziness I mentioned earlier, and really focuses on the light throughout the photo. ISO 100 — 47 mm –f/5.6 –1/2500 sec

I am always drawn to sunsets. Whenever I have access to a camera and I see a sunset I almost always take a photo. ISO 25 — 4.15 mm –f/2.2 –1/4000 sec (this was taken on my phone)

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