WHAT ELSE THERE IS TO SEE (due next Tuesday)
Bring or Rent a DSLR camera to Thursday class!!
Go to any familiar place–street, restaurant, forest path, etc. Pick five different spots, and from each spot (the size of a hula-hoop), create as many photos as you need to in order to realize 5 satisfactory photos. You’re look for an unusual angle, composition, color, movement, moment, gesture, etc.
You should end up with five good photos from each “spot”, then arrange the five best photos from these 25 into a carousel with image height 300.
Uploading photos:
- Use jpg image ( set camera to raw + jpeg until you learn to export jpg in Lightroom)
- Use Preview (on Mac) Irfanview or Xnview (for PC)
- Max image size for length or width= 1024 px;
- Max file size = 400K
- Max resolution 72dpi
Post settings:
- Post Title: Assignment 1_FirstL ( First=first name, L=last name initial)
- Post format: Standard
- Post category: Assignment