Assignment 10_SilviaG

I learned a lot from this assignment about what settings work best for certain pictures. Having a wide aperture, or a smaller f number, while keeping my focus distance the same gave my pictures a shallower depth of field. I discovered this when I was taking the close up shots of the grassy stump. On the other hand, if the aperture was smaller, so a larger f number, then the depth of field was wider. So it’s really important to keep in mind your aperture settings when trying to take a macro shot. What I would try to do next time would be to try and see how my shutter speed creates movement on some of my photos. For example, the one of the leaves if I were to do it again I would try having a longer exposure time so a smaller shutter speed to see if I can capture some of the leaf movement in the wind. Same for the beaver dented tree in the river, I think that capturing the motion of the water would’ve added to the photo. I’m definitely becoming more aware of things around me and the small details that things have.

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