Assignment 11 – TateY

Elements – Visible and Invisible

Overall I started out each photo just trying to get the exposure correct, and then I changed the settings based off of what I was trying to go for. For instance, trying to capture depth, I knew that a shallower depth of field would be best, so I put my f-stop as open as possible, and then adjusted the other settings to keep the exposure correct. There were certain elements like “light” photograph where I had to lower the settings as much as possible because the light was pouring through the cracks of the window shade, but I didn’t want to overexpose it. The moon and tree photo was another interesting photo to take, because I thought I had to set the aperture to make the depth of field as large as possible, but the problem was that it was too dark, so I set the f-stop back to 6.3 and then set the focal length just shy of “infinity,” to keep the tree and moon in focus. Overall, the various elements really made me think about how to take the photo rather than just what the subject will be.




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