2 thoughts on “Assignment 1_FrankS

  • I like both of your photos the downtown Orono one and the red house in the distance one. I’ve always noticed how colorful the buildings in downtown Orono are and the way the cars are parked makes it easy for the eye to flow inside the picture. As for the red house one, red is a color that draws attention to it and the house is at a distance so the photo gives the feeling that you have to really look through the woods to see what is laying beyond.

  • Frank, I really like all of the pictures you took. I think the ones that are in downtown Orono are really cool. I like how the Pats pizza sign looks kind of vintage and I think the picture in general is taken really well. My other favorite one you took was the one with the brown tall grass. I like how you focused the picture mostly on the grass and having the background be blurred but you can tell what the background is. I thought it was a really cool picture.

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