Assignment 1_GeorgiaS


Frozen water flow near Patch Hall.

Parking lot walk near CCA.

Dried grasses and snow on walk behind Murray Hall.

Adventure to PETCO.

Bookstore stroll.

3 thoughts on “Assignment 1_GeorgiaS

  • Georgia I really enjoy the picture of the pipes hanging from the ceiling. They seem to twist the mind in a strange way, when you explained it was taken in the school bookstore I was surprised and realized I never observed this perspective.

  • Georgia,

    I can’t stop looking at the photo of the lizards at petco. The warm colors in the rocks behind them remind me of somewhere in the American sothwest and remind of of summer. Its a great photo and a creative place to find shots.

  • Content–varied from bare landscapes to bookstores to pet shops.

    Composition–subjects are mostly centered though class really liked the row of cars curving up your image.

    Technique–looking for interesting patterns and colors; visual appeal;

    Aesthetics–my favorites we the pet photos with chameleon/lizard image really standing out for repetition, pattern, and subtle and surprising color. I would dodge out the PETco button and make background clean to keep focus on them.

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