5 thoughts on “Assignment 1_TannerM

  • I really enjoyed your featured image, of the candle because of how long it took me to realize what it actually was. The point of view is so close, that at first glance it becomes kind of difficult to see what it actually was. The colors and details are all really great and with the flame hidden makes it kind of confusing. The first time I scrolled by it, I almost thought it was like fake magma or something. But realizing it was a candle kind of makes me feel warm and almost makes me able to smell the familiar smell of a burning candle. Great shot!

  • Tanner I like the style of the photos you shot in this assignment, they all have this air of mystery yet upon looking closer you begin to identify what those strange shapes might actually be.. My favorite is the “honey comb” photo, without your explanation I would have never guessed it was the inside of something so common as a heater. I find your method of taking everyday items and showing the viewer something entirely different visually satisfying and intriguing.

  • Tanner, I love the style of your work. I appreciate you looking towards the smaller things and seeing the unique patterns around you. This was particularly useful for an assignment like this as we had limited amount of movement for each round of five shots. I struggle with that type of limitation and I appreciate seeing your creative approach to it. The honey comb pattern is really appealing because somehow it even has a blurred foreground and it adds some depth to it. Great job!

  • Tanner,

    I really like your style of very close images. To me a really crisp clean image that shows the texture of an object or surface is interesting to look at and several of your photos do that with the use of shadows.

  • Content–gorgeous colors, textures and patterns; maybe too interesting…might try also to find subtle visuals too…

    Composition–mostly centered with subject filling frame; try more off center ones like car belts?

    Technique–close up; finding interesting visual objects, using good lighting to render their properties like striking candle and green bottle; try to play with depth of field so some of object(s) are in focus, while others are out?

    Aesthetics–visual delight, beautiful, but what about mood, subtlety? ,mystery? go deeper? beneath surface…what else here is to see…

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