Assignment 2 – SarahS

I had every intention of photographing strangers faces, but something happened that got me thinking.
My boyfriend had a study group over, so I asked if I could photograph them and 3 out of 4 said no. I wanted the photos, so to make them more comfortable while still getting my pictures I instead asked if they minded if I took pictures of their shoes instead.
I think that shoes can tell a lot about a person.
Are they clean? Have they traveled far? Do they look for comfort or style? Are they new or old?
A shoe tells not where you’re going, but where you’ve been.
I know this was a bit of an abstract approach to the assignment, but I thought it was interesting.

3 thoughts on “Assignment 2 – SarahS

  • These photos are a really unique display of a person character. I bet if we saw these people there shoes would illustrate the rest of their style. By keeping the setting the same, the differences of the photos of brought out. This is a very creative way to fulfill the assignment. Great job!

  • I absolutely love the unconventional direction to taking these pictures. And I agree with you on how shoes can house a lot about someone’s personality, therefore these can still be defined as portraits, which is great. Each are as unique as the person who had been wearing them, and the crisp layout of how you displayed the shoes simply and cleanly is very nice.

  • Interesting idea for this project, with these photos I start to envision what the owner of the shoes should look like. For having such a short backdrop the focusing is really clear on the subjects and helps them stand out from the rest of the shoes behind them. The consistency of these photos is also something that I enjoy. The fact that they are all facing the same direction and are taken from the same vantage point is pleasing when viewing the entire gallery as a whole.

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