2 thoughts on “Assignment 2_AdamM

  • Your portraits are interesting because they aren’t typical portraits people usually take. I like the profile of the man in the Maine jersey, it adds a narrative to the picture rather than just featuring someones face. I like the picture of the food the best because of all the textures and colors. although I think it looks more like a food shot rather than a portrait. I think it would have been more of a portrait shot if you would have gotten the woman’s hands in focus. unless you were going for a portrait of the food, then you nailed it!

  • If the person in the last photo is a chef, then food would be part of their identity, so maybe that would be a way to interpret a portrait differently. Regardless, the composition in that one is effective, and the colors work well together. I like the variety in this gallery — you show people from lots of different angles, and different parts of the body such as feet or forehead/hair. The use of lines in the second photo is cool too. They frame the subject’s face and give the photo a sense of motion without too much distraction.

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