Assignment 3_TateY

The following comments are from Assignment 1 and 2.

Assignment 1

Comment on TannerM’s photos:

Tanner, I love the style of your work. I appreciate you looking towards the smaller things and seeing the unique patterns around you. This was particularly useful for an assignment like this as we had limited amount of movement for each round of five shots. I struggle with that type of limitation and I appreciate seeing your creative approach to it. The honey comb pattern is really appealing because somehow it even has a blurred foreground and it adds some depth to it. Great job!

Comment on JoeS’s photos:

Joe, really great series of photos! I especially love the way my eyes are drawn in towards the end of the hall way (with the bookshelves). Great selection of leading lines there. I also like your creative approach to take a photo of something and take some behind the scenes shots. I think I took the assignment a bit too literally and I was glad to see that there are other ways to do it as you have shown. The shot with the books has a great depth of field. All around great job!

Assignment 2

Comment on ElizabethD’s photos:

Elizabeth, I really love the first two photos, especially the 2nd one. There is something very nice about how uniform the photo feels that makes me want to know more about his life. I could easily see the first two photos being used as a portrait to tell each person’s story. One more thing about the second photo. I think what makes it so beautifully composed is the fact that even though he is slightly off the “first third,” the rest of the frame is filled and feels very balanced. Well done!

Comment on Claudio’s photos:

Claudio, great work as always. Your photos all have great composition. My favorite would definitely be the black and white “secret meeting” one. It really jumps off the screen and feels very real. Your other photos are great as well, and the divers photos only leaves me wanting to see more. Nice job!

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