Assignment 5-AlyssaD

This story is about a girl who is going on spring break with her friends for the first time without her parents or any family members. Every college students are always dreaming about going somewhere with their friends. These three photos represent what to do before the vacation and what responsibilities come up while traveling. College students tend to be able to be on there own and with friends during spring break so that means a lot of smart decisions. Maturity and trust also come into play during a vacation like this. This story is going to be the adventure of this young girl and the challenges she is going to face throughout her vacation.

My audience would be anyone who is going on spring break and needs advice on what to do while they are on there own. Such as checking what flight they are on, not missing there flights, not taking drinks from strangers, to remember passport, wallet, money etc. There are so many things that go into a vacation like this and a lot of lessons learned when the person comes back.


One thought on “Assignment 5-AlyssaD

  • Without knowing something about the girl, it’s hard for me to see what’s at stake here. In a conventional narrative, the protagonist meets an obstacle or challenge, then a crisis, which changes him/her. Can you develop the plot more fully? Can you give the girl a challenge that has the potential to change her, then show the change? How can images show this change?

    Satisfactory, but could use more development

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