The life of a mannequin is long, uneventful, and simple. Get posed, stand still, keep that position, continue standing still, don’t move a muscle, and there you have it. Jeremy’s life in a nutshell. But this wasn’t what Jeremy wanted to keep doing his entire life. Who’s to say he can’t go where he pleases when the persons away?
At first he only moved a little. He sat on the ledge of the window sill, relaxing a little. Then he grabbed a book, read the entire novel, and decided that he needed more than free movement. Jeremy peered over the ledge, wondering what would happen if he fell from that height. Would his joints break? His limbs crack into pieces? It was something that gave Jeremy a small sense of fear for the first time since his manufacturing.
Fears put aside, Jeremy made is descend down the heater. By careful sliding his way down, Jeremy reached the floor. And from that point on, the possibilities were endless…
Cellphones. Most of us have them. Some new, some old, some with keypads, other with touch screens. But do we ever stop to think of what our cellphones do, and where they end up at times when we aren’t paying attention to them? My cellphone starts it day on my desk, fully charged and ready to take on the day. Good ol’ cellphone then take a trip to the bathroom to assist in brushing my teeth. After that, it plays me sweet tunes as I straighten my hair before classes. For the majority of the day, my cellphone spends it time in my back pocket, cozy and warm on my right cheek. But when I return from a rough day of classes, it gets tossed aside on my bed, where it then likes to disappear on me. It never seizes to amaze me with its hiding spots sometimes.
April 8, 2017 at 8:37 pm
I can see potential in your mannequin story: the sequence is clear and the descent easy to follow. What could bring it to life is some kind of stakes. So in the first images with the mannequin looking outside, I wonder if we could have a sense of some critical stakes. Why does the mannequin want to get out? In a conventional narrative, the protagonist meets an obstacle or challenge, then a crisis, which changes him/her. Can you develop the plot more fully? The phone may also have a promising narrative…phone romance? what is the secret life of a phone?