Assignment 6_CleoB

A Day in the Life

My water bottle goes everywhere I go. For some people their “must have” item is their phone, but this is mine. Everyone needs water to live, which makes the object a metaphor for life. I was thinking I could do a “day in the life” story of my water bottle and everywhere it goes on a typical day, and capture the photos in a way that personifies it. This would make it relatable to everyone who is just trying to get through their day, and survive their college career to emerge on the other side with a degree and some good memories. The audience would be the community of college students, who could identify parallels between their day-to-day rhythms and this story and realize that we’re all in it together.


Emotional Contrast

For this topic, I would like to explore themes of community/belonging and loneliness/isolation. I thought it might be interesting to do this by using objects in different settings. For example, a bunch of shoes in a crowd, and then one shoe left all by itself somewhere. The story could be developed through a variety of subjects and settings, and could form a narrative that transitions from negative emotions to positive ones. The audience would be people who are interested in more abstract or artistic representations of the human experience, rather than concrete “true” stories.

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