Narrative Ideas:
-Cataloging my daily routine, as possibly mundane as it sounds. But everyone is unique, so the possibility of displaying my individual journeys throughout the day may be an interesting route. This may range from my countless walks in between classes, lunch with roommates, and extracurricular activities when I ought to be doing homework assignments.
-Capturing my walk through the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Ma. The exhibits within are incredible, and photographing that experience will interest art enthusiasts and laypersons alike. And the wide range of art pieces and angles to said works are likely to spark interest in at least some.
-My mother has had diabetes since she was eleven years old, and over the past year she had collected each of her supplies needed to taking insulin and testing her blood sugar. She then put some of these items in jars and has displayed them in our house, showcasing just how much goes into keeping someone with diabetes alive, and the physical waste that comes with that from needles to test strips. This will interest audiences with diabetes or to those who know of someone with this condition, and show them just how much goes into maintaining their health. Now imagine that amount of supplies times another 40+ years…