3 thoughts on “Assignment2_RobertM

  • I have to say that these photos definitely unique when it comes to breaking the stereotype of what a portrait of a person is. Usually, portraits are thought of as a photograph that shows the person’s face but yours took another feature that’s unique about each and everyone of us and highlighted it. This was definitely an original take on portraits.

  • I like how you had a theme in your photos, obviously displaying only their ears. I think it’s interesting as well for the fact that I never really look at peoples ears, they are to the side of their head, and this makes it difficult or obscured while talking to someone. Overall the images are nicely composed, keeping each one similar to each other shows the true differences between each person.

  • Robert I especially like the last photo of the girl with white purple hair. Something about the way the color change between the ear and the hair blend so perfectly together and then melt to white creates a very satisfying transfer and smooth texture. Also the detail is remarkable. I enjoyed the creative way you interpreted this project and wonder what the reactions where when people realized you where photographing there side profiles.

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