

This new story idea is something I thought of by seeing an image of a girl looking in a mirror on the internet. I really liked how it captured her face even though the camera was pointed at her back. I decided I wanted to experiment with this, but I wanted to put my own personal spin on it. I really enjoy being in the woods, because I have spent much of my childhood and teenage years out in the forest whenever I get some free time. My parents have always taken me out to look for animals, and we own a farm that is now mostly forest, and some of my favorite summer activities are running around in the woods there. Because of this, I wanted to capture the feel of the space around you when you are in a forest. When you spend a lot of time there, you tend to notice things that others don’t notice at first glance like the layers of trees, branches, colors, ground, etc. I thought that a unique way to capture that would be to take a mirror into the woods and take pictures of the woods through the mirror.

Here are some of the first photos I took:


As I was playing with editing these, I found that I could make either just the mirror in color, and the rest of the space black and white, or the mirror black and white and the rest of the background in color. This gave me an interesting idea of a doorway into a new world. I knew that I needed to have a narrative that changed over time, and I thought that the perfect way to do this would be to have my friend act as a model who is walking through the woods, in a black and white world, and she discovers a mirror that seems to be in color. She uses this mirror as a door way  into a colored world, which she enters and decides to leave the dull black and white world behind her.

Here are some of the edited photos:


Polaroid storyboard:

I recently obtained a Polaroid CoolCam 600 camera and have quickly become obsessed. I love the way that the camera catches everything in one shot, mistakes and all. I think it would be interesting to try to capture a story from a literal “storyboard”, where I would take a bunch of polaroids and piece them together to tell a story. I was debating either taking a lot of abstract photos of random things and using the larger picture storyboard to create something different, or to take photos in a certain order of an event unfolding to create a story, like taking a picture of a growing flower (if the snow ever melts) once a day to see how it evolves over time.

Capturing my different personalities.

I have noticed that there seem to be three starkly different personalities that exist inside of me. Sporty, girlie, and kind of “rockish/punk” (if that makes sense) I feel like it could be an interesting project to capture these different personalities as they pop up during the day, whether it be in the clothes I decide to wear, the music I decide to listen to, the way I perform a task or the general actions I do every day. This might be challenging because it can be hard to photograph yourself, and usually, I get so caught up in my busy day to day schedule that things can get mundane and routine, but I think I would be up for the challenge. (Additionally, I recently lost all my clothes and belongings in a fire, so it will be hard to create this with the things I do have. But that could be another angle, how I rebuild my three selves after losing everything).

Making time for art.

As mentioned before, I tend to fall into mundane routines in my busy days. Because of this, my art takes the back burner, and I don’t get to spend a lot of time on it. I really enjoy sketching, drawing, watercolor painting, things of that nature. It is one of my goals to start working on my art again, whenever I get the chance. I think it would be interesting to capture all the different areas that art can take place and all the different places that I find a few minutes to make something, by taking pictures of my surroundings and my art in that time. This story idea will challenge me to actually find time for my art, and challenge me to find unique ways to capture my own creations.

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