4 thoughts on “Assingment1_lizzyg

  • The photo of downtown Bangor without a car is really well done. It accurately conveys the feeling I get when I walk through the town. It is very beautiful, but it is also very empty. It has room for expansion. Not including the car really shows this. You even did this with the rule of thirds. A huge building takes up 2/3rds of the photo, but 1/3rd of the photo is open sky with the road disappearing over the horizon.

  • I really enjoyed the framing when it came to statue pictures. The trees provide a unique way of lighting, as well as good framing for the statue in the middle. I think the slightly out of focused background does well to put the statue as the main statue of the picture. Overall, I just really enjoy the aesthetic of the photo and how the statue is the main focus point, but there is a lot to digest in the background as well.

  • I really like the lights in these photos, they have a holiday feel to them and make me feel happy when I look at them.

  • Content–landscapes and parks, a bit urban a bit rural; light critical in all of the photos

    Composition–basic landscape with some medium range closeups of state in park ; some lovely framing of river with dark tree branches against subtly lit sky– Like seeing your many takes on this landscape t see which you might like best

    Technique–focus, and refocus and explore objects from many angles; attention to the playoff light in the environment whether natural (sunset) to artificial (lights in park).

    Aesthetics–play of light in landscape

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