
Over Spring Break I visited the Yarmouth area and found the power lines by the beach to be very fascinating, especially since a storm was coming in.  Additionally, I wanted to photograph what little life there was on the beach for that time of year.

REVISION Assignment6_ElizabethD

My idea for my story is following the guy that has appeared in my other photos doing his aerial straps training.  There is a lot of passion that has to go with learning this skill it hurts, and can cause career-ending injuries.  A cirque performer died just a few days ago doing the most mundane of this on this apparatus.  You can see the work he puts into his skill, even with just the cuts, bruises, and bandaids on his arms.  But once he gets home, he’s a regular person, just wanting to relax and play some video games.


On Assignnment1_AshleyD:

“I really like the photo of the fence/door (?) with the chipped paint. It seems as if there are really only two colours in the photo (plus black), but then you notice the bit of red rust on the latch and it really catches the eye as it compliments the green. Not entirely knowing what the object is being photographed as well as its cropping really makes me feel a sense of mystery. I want to know what is behind the door.”

On Assignment1_LizzyG:

“The photo of downtown Bangor without a car is really well done. It accurately conveys the feeling I get when I walk through the town. It is very beautiful, but it is also very empty. It has room for expansion. Not including the car really shows this. You even did this with the rule of thirds. A huge building takes up 2/3rds of the photo, but 1/3rd of the photo is open sky with the road disappearing over the horizon.”

On Assignment1_Claudio:

“The last photo is definitely my favourite photo. I love that the outside looks so cold and uninviting, but then the frosted and dingy glass makes the tropical paradise seem almost unattainable. Additionally, The only colour in this photo is from nature. The leaves on the ground are a nice brown/red, as are the clay pots. This contrasts really well with the greens and yellows of the plants indoors. Everything else is very grey and dull. The vibrant plants are walled off while the dead leaves are all that we can actually experience.”

On Assignment2_TateY

“The third photo is my favourite face that was photographed. I do like all of them, as they all have a great depth of field, but I think that one really speaks to me because of the vibrant colour. The subject is colourful, but it also goes very well with the background as well. The background seems like a backdrop, not a photo just taken on the street.”

Assignment 1_ElizabethD

Favourite Fve.

At practice.

At the performance space.

My dorm room.

A friend’s apartment.

Popham beach.