Assignment 2_TateY

For this assignment I just wanted to take basic portraits – I wasn’t trying to go with anything fancy because I actually prefer a basic portrait over something more elaborate. One thing I found interested was that if someone was on their phone when I approached them, they were more likely to say no. If they were walking without headphones and looking up when they were walking, it was easier for them to see me coming and it was a better interaction. Regardless, it certainly forced me out of my comfort zone.


The following pictures are the strangers’ name, followed by a single word describing how they claimed to feel at that time. Each picture was quickly taken once, as to avoid being an inconvenience. Walking up to a stranger to ask for a picture was a very strange experience for me, but I think explaining my project made the situation a little easier. I think working the interaction into just casual conversation made it easier for me, and that’s how I determined each title, by asking how they felt that day.

Assignment 1_GeorgiaS


Frozen water flow near Patch Hall.

Parking lot walk near CCA.

Dried grasses and snow on walk behind Murray Hall.

Adventure to PETCO.

Bookstore stroll.

Assignment 1 – Tate Y


Orono – Walking around downtown Orono, I ended up at this spot where there was some graffiti that was colorful and interesting, so I forced myself to stop and take some photos, and look around to see what else there was.

Reversing Falls – Back in my home town of Blue Hill, theres a beautiful old bridge that hovers above the “reversing falls,” where the current actually switches when the tide comes in and out. There are some nice natural features, and just before I left, I thankfully looked behind me and saw the rock wall pattern that had been darkened on the bottom half by the tide.

Park – Along the Stillwater River is a small park that has some benches next to the water and after standing and looking for a bit, I decided to focus on patterns and the “unnatural” and “natural” aspects of the scene.

Patio – While dog-sitting I attempted to find some interesting things to photograph on the patio until Andi (the black lab) joined me and forced me to go with the flow – which actually made it much more interesting anyway.


Bus Stop – For my final location, while waiting for the bus I pulled out my camera and forced myself to just shoot with a 50mm lens, so I had to figure out something else other than zooming in. I experimented a little with white balance and also tried to capture the small snow flakes that were falling.

AshleyD_Canon EOS Rebel XTi Settings

Find and test the following settings:

Camera Operation

_____Memory card & battery
_____On/Of switch
_____Scroll wheel
_____Eyepiece diopter
_____Display screen
_____Shutter release
_____Lens removal button
_____DOF preview
_____Function buttons
_____Autofocus on/of switch
_____Image stabilization switch

Camera Settings

_____Exposure Mode (P, Av, Tv, M,etc.}
_____White Balance (Auto,Daylight,Cloudy,etc.)
_____ISO  (100, 200, 400, 800, etc)
_____Focus Mode (Auto, Manual)
_____Use AFS  for single image
_____Use AFC for moving subject, like sports
_____Focus Point Selection
_____Drive (single, multiple, self-timer)
_____Meter pattern (spor, average, integrated)

Menu Settings

_____Image Quality/File Type (RAW, JPG,etc.)
_____Image Review time (1 ,2, 4, 8  sec )
_____Format (Prepare your memory card for the next set of images)

Carnera Operation

_____Shutter release/exposure  hold/focus hold button
_____Depth of Field Preview
_____Image review activation button (with enlargement)
_____Exposure Compensation (ISO button, or auto)

Assignment 1_KendraC

Assignment 1_CullenS

Five Favorites:

Outside in Bangor:

Central Gallery in Bangor:

Rock and Art Shop:

Alley Way in Bangor:

Bangor Parking Lot:


Assignment 1_ElizabethD

Favourite Fve.

At practice.

At the performance space.

My dorm room.

A friend’s apartment.

Popham beach.