6 thoughts on “Assignment 1_Claudio

  • The last photo is definitely my favourite photo. I love that the outside looks so cold and uninviting, but then the frosted and dingy glass makes the tropical paradise seem almost unattainable. Additionally, The only colour in this photo is from nature. The leaves on the ground are a nice brown/red, as are the clay pots. This contrasts really well with the greens and yellows of the plants indoors. Everything else is very grey and dull. The vibrant plants are walled off while the dead leaves are all that we can actually experience.

  • I especially enjoy all of your pictures in the green house. All of them convey a really interesting somber and almost alone feeling for me. The visual impact of the dull green plants against the dull colors of green house makes me feel alone in an almost relaxing way. Over one summer I worked on a farm, and would cherish my time in the green house. Because it was a reprieve to enjoy my time alone, I think your pictures do well to convey that feeling of almost enjoyable loneliness.

  • I love the textures in the vines against the weathered bricks and how the contrast between the two is prominent. It almost makes me feel squirmy, as if my body is getting tangled by rapidly growing vines. You have a great eye and the perspectives in these photos are fantastic.

  • I very much enjoy the colors in these photos. The photos that aren’t black and white have very muted colors which really go well with the overall mood brought on by the apparent cloudy day.

  • Claudio,

    I like the way you break up some of your photos using hard edges like the edge of a roof or wall as well as adjusting focus from the foreground to the background.

  • Content–greenhouse: plants, vines, brick glass steel…

    Composition–some closeups, some long angle, some foreword/background contrast; good variety in constrained location–so many textures!

    Technique–b/w, some good color contrast, attention to lighting of glass steel to bring out different levels of focus, your photos draw out the unexpected in common subjects

    Aesthetics–deep seeing of common objects with ability to draw out levels of seeing and levels of meaning;

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