Photo Narrative

Most conventional stories have  a beginning, middle and end,  create strong characters and develop a story arc that shows a change in at least one man character.

Most will have the following elements in this order:

  • exposition
  • conflict/crisis
  • climax/turning point
  • resolution

Classical story structure might also  include:

  • location or context
  • character(s), giving the story  a ‘face’
  • let people tell their own story
  • contextualizing those stories
  • use a dramatic form

Most stories depend on a key character/s as a focal point to give the story a personal meaning, some connection to human drama.

For your stories try to answer the following questions:

  • what is the topic or central issue, and what’s at stake?
  • what scenes/ events/moments  will show a crisis/change in a main character?
  • who are the characters and why do we care about them?
  • where and when does the story take place, and what is the context?

You may need to investigate and/or research to understand the story well enough to capture it via photo and then to edit the photos in a series that can convey the story..

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