
In my experience, it was hard to find individuals who did not want their photos taken. In this age of social media, people are flattered when someone wants to take their picture. Also, I made sure to let them know that this was for an assignment, and because of that people felt safer having their image taken.

2 thoughts on “Assignment2_SydneyH

  • I’m really impressed by the photo of the girl in library that you took. You really moved towards the creative end of the photography spectrum as opposed to the informational side. You’ve manipulated the shutter speed and ISO in such a way that you’ve given the photo a ghostly and ephemeral quality. I feel like at any moment this girl could slip into nonexistence. This is due largely to the transparent nature of the subject. I feel this photo also has a lot of potential in post-production. You could really bring out the spooky nature of this piece by messing with the saturation and the midranges. This photo also makes me believe that you could take a lot of artistic photos with a film camera. I’d recommend giving it a shot if you ever get the opportunity (if you haven’t already). Great work so far!

  • My only concern is with the third picture. I’m not sure if the lighting was bad, or things were out of focus. The rest were really good, especially with the girl taking her earbud out. I have to ask: did you adjust the shutter speed? Or was it accidental that worked really well?

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